New Video Reveals Colin Farrells Penguin Transformation

A new behind-the-scenes film reveals how much of an alteration was made to shift Colin Farrell from the highly-idolized Farrell into his less appealing comic book character, Oswald Cobblepot, aka Penguin, in The Batman. When the first photograph of Farrell as Penguin was revealed in 2020, he was virtually unrecognizable compared to the rest of

A new behind-the-scenes film reveals how much of an alteration was made to shift Colin Farrell from the highly-idolized Farrell into his less appealing comic book character, Oswald Cobblepot, aka Penguin, in The Batman. When the first photograph of Farrell as Penguin was revealed in 2020, he was virtually unrecognizable compared to the rest of the ensemble of The Batman. This week’s release of the film on HBO Max gave viewers another opportunity to see Farrell in action, and he’ll soon be the star of his spinoff series. Here you will read about Colin Farrell’s Penguin transformation details.

Culture Crave uploaded a video of Farrell’s transformation into the Penguin; in it, the actor describes the event as “one of the most thrilling, euphoric sensations” he’s ever had, even though it took as long as four hours each time. Farrell’s portrayal, which has garnered a lot of praise even though he is not on-screen for much of the movie, is aided by the fact that, like many actors, he undergoes hours of makeup to become a completely different person on film.

The Batman premiered on HBO Max to positive reviews, suggesting a promising future for this version of the comic book hero. The film will soon be available on Blu-ray with many bonus features and behind-the-scenes documentaries, such as an extended look at Robert Pattinson’s costume camera test and a closer look at Farrell’s makeover. This further proves that Matt Reeves’ vision for The Dark Knight is superior to anything anyone could have imagined.

Did Colin Farrell Become The Most Prolific Penguin in Batman’s Long History?

The Penguin has been one of Batman’s most memorable foes for decades. He has been represented on screen several times, from Burgess Meredith in the 1960s TV series to Danny DeVito’s menacing birdman in Batman Returns to Robin Lord Taylor’s portrayal in the TV series Gotham. And now we can add Colin Farrell to that list, a man who will star in his very own Batman television series after appearing in The Batman.

The Penguin from Batman is not the cold-blooded dark fantasy of Tim Burton’s nightmare vision but rather a criminal with lofty goals who have finally found his opportunity to rise to the top of Gotham’s criminal underworld. Like everything in Matt Reeves’ Batman world, Penguin is grounded, gritty, and extremely genuine, and we can certainly expect something very similar in tone from the series.

After The Batman earned $750 million at the box office and over 700,000 viewers on its first day on HBO Max, Warner Bros. is hoping that the Penguin spin-off and the Arkham Asylum spin-off will also attract significant audiences so that they can continue to build on their non-DCEU Batman franchise.

Production on the Penguin series has begun, and the premiere date, which will be on HBO Max, is set for sometime in the second half of 2019.

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