Days Gone PS4 PKG ROM Free Download Latest

Days Gone PS4 PKG ROM Free Download Latest;- Third-person action-adventure game Days Gone is set in an open world post-apocalyptic setting. Deacon St. John, a former outlaw-turned-drifter-bounty hunter who prefers life on the road to wilderness encampments, is the character the player controls.

Days Gone PS4 PKG ROM Free Download Latest;- Third-person action-adventure game Days Gone is set in an open world post-apocalyptic setting. Deacon St. John, a former outlaw-turned-drifter-bounty hunter who prefers life on the road to wilderness encampments, is the character the player controls.

The game takes place two years after a pandemic that killed nearly all of humanity and turned millions of survivors into “Freakers,” which are quickly evolving, mindless zombie-like creatures.

Swarmers are a type of nocturnal Freaker that hides in their nests during the day but congregates, roams the area, and hunts for food and water at night. In order to make two enemy groups fight each other, players can lure Swarmers in their direction.

Download Days Gone PS4 PKG ROM

Infected teenagers and opportunistic hunters known as Newts are among Deacon’s other enemies. They only attack him when he enters their territory or is in poor health.

Along with hostile human enemies, the game also features infected wildlife (referred to as Runners and Ragers). Hordes can overwhelm players, so they must maintain their distance. To kill Freakers, Deacon has access to firearms, melee weapons, traps, explosives, and choke points.

The Pacific Northwest serves as the game’s open world setting. The world can be freely explored by players on foot or by motorcycle. Fuel is used up by the bike, and if it is severely damaged, it becomes inoperable. The bike must be regularly refueled at gas stations and camps, and it must be repaired using salvaged materials.

Deacon must build relationships with settlement camps and acquire “camp credits” by completing missions, collecting rewards, and making sales of food and bounties.

Firmware requirements: 5.05 or higher

Days Gone v1 PKG + Fix FW 5.05 (EUR – PKG)
Days Gone v1.51 PKG Fix FW 5.05 (EUR – PKG)
Days Gone v1.51 PKG non-Fix FW 5.05 (EUR – PKG)
Days Gone DLCs PKG (EUR – PKG)

Players can buy new tools, equipment, and motorcycle parts as their trust level rises to improve their vehicle’s speed, toughness, and maneuverability. You can alter the bike’s appearance as well.

